The ISIN Organization ( boasts the top rated web address for ISIN searches worldwide. Most searches for ISIN codes on the web land on on has a private database for Members and public database that is free but with limited search features. By becoming a Member of you are given access the ability to represent your company and/or security to customers on our public database for all to search and view for free.
OTHER PORTALS for Listing & Posting: By Listing on, your ISIN and company profile can be submitted or found in outside portals such as BLOOMBERG.
Have us assist with posting your company or ISIN profile(s) on BLOOMBERG. We can also assist in obtaining additional securities identifiers like the BB Code or FIGI and have your product/securities placed on Bloomberg. You would need to join as a LEVEL 2 MEMBER and we can assist with posting your data on Bloomberg for no cost. See below.